I set this blog up a while ago and so many other projects took over so I kind of left it alone. I was looking through my blog list the other day and saw it so I thought I would rekindle the flame. Since I started this blog so many things have happened. My business is really going well, in fact my phone is ringing off the hook, and I have found time to make a little bit of extra money on the side. I call this kinda money, chicken change. I have been doing so much writing on Hubpages and doing a ton of YouTube videos too to promote all the sites I have set up at the moment. I have like 7 sites I am running right now and they are all doing really well. So well that I am not really doing so much work on them right now. I am just focusing on two online magazines and writing a little bit on Hubpages and living off the royalties of my book. I published a children's book last year and that is going really well too.
I have been going through Twitter recently and have found so many women who are doing it just like me. Working hard for that money, independent and not relying on a man to make us happy. Not saying that you can't have a good man by your side. However, it is always good to get some of that money for yourself too. Be self made, so at the end of the day no one can tell you nothing. When you rely on a man, if anything goes down what are you going to do? This is why, I am all for us ladies working hard and getting that paper for ourselves. Keep grinding ladies and keep working hard for that paper! No matter what you are doing, as long as it is legal and you are not selling your body,you are good!!!!!